About Us


We are here to help you smile everyday!

Who we are

The practice began its operation in 1980 with the dentist Irini Noutsou Oikonomakou, mother of Iopi Oikonomakou who, today, worthily continues the family tradition.

The staff of the clinic believe that excellent scientific training and professionalism must be combined with volunteering and giving.

For 12 years, Irini Noutsou volunteered her services in a preventive medicine and dentistry program for the Municipality of Agios Dimitrios.

Excellent doctors thought of and implemented a pioneering, for its time, program, which in fact proved to be particularly effective in informing parents about medical issues concerning children from kindergarten to elementary school.

Thus, through information, many people became aware of prevention and the application of the basic principles of dental hygiene.

Oral hygiene

The ancient saying: "Το προλαμβάνειν κρείττον εστί του θεραπεύειν" is, regarding oral hygiene, the most basic principle of all. After all, we must not forget that the state of the oral cavity, many times, also determines the general state of our health.

The examination of the oral cavity must be done every 6 months, with the aim of diagnosing the good condition of the gums, teeth, tongue and mucous membranes. An abandoned oral cavity with gingivitis, tooth decay and dental problems can create more general health issues. We must not forget that the mouth "hosts" many microbes and fungi and is also teeming with blood vessels and nerves.

A correct and healthy oral cavity contributes significantly to:

  • In the correct chewing (which in turn contributes to the protection of the stomach)
  • In correct occlusion (impacting the temporomandibular joint)
  • Aesthetic beauty (with a significant impact on the individual's psyche and self-esteem)

What can we do to protect our mouths:

  • Healthy diet low in sugar content and rich in fruit and vegetable consumption.
  • Avoiding smoking.
  • Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Brushing teeth, twice a day for two minutes each time.
  • Brushing teeth with fluoride mouthwash or chewing sugar-free gum after meals and snacks (if brushing is not possible).
  • Interdental cleaning using dental floss (or other related cleaning agents).
  • Use of a protective brace when engaging in contact sports.
  • Regular visits to the dentist for checkups and cleanings.

Be Mindful  and… Smile Again!

Oral hygiene in summer

The decalogue of (summer) oral hygiene.

  1. Due to Covid always wash your hands with soap before and after brushing your teeth.
  2. Get toothbrushes with special protective cases and don't forget to take them with you on vacation.
  3. Before you go on vacation visit your dentist for a preventive check-up.
  4. Limit your consumption of sugary fizzy drinks as much as you can and increase your intake of natural juices and dairy products.
  5. Be careful when diving from rocks, docks, boats, etc. A misjudgment or a wrong move can cause injuries to the teeth.
  6. If, in the event of an accident, any teeth are dislodged, first keep calm and then try to put them back in place. If they are completely out of place, store them in saline, milk or even saliva and, in any case, visit the nearest dental office immediately.
  7. Limit the consumption of chocolates, candies, ice creams (as far as possible) and various other sweeteners in standardized form such as candies and chewing gum.
  8. Consume generous amounts of fruits and vegetables.
  9. Brush your teeth twice a day.
  10. Once you've returned from your holiday, if you've had any problems or if you feel 'something's not right', see your dentist.

This summer… Smile Again!

Missing teeth

An important issue regarding oral hygiene, especially in these days of the ongoing economic crisis, is the lack of teeth.

Missing teeth from the mouth can lead to a multitude of problems.

Some of them are:

  • Overejection: The upper teeth drop low when the ellipses are down (and vice versa when the ellipses are up).
  • Shifts: Depending on where a tooth is missing, then the rest may shift in the corresponding direction.
  • Alterations: Complete alteration of the barriers can lead to difficulty in chewing as well as negative effects on the temporomandibular joint.

Bad articulation is a common phenomenon, even at young ages, not only due to stress or other psychological issues, but also due to dental problems that are not being solved due to the economic difficulties we have been facing in recent years.

At our dental office, we offer you the opportunity to get a healthy mouth and beautiful dentures, at an affordable cost, with professionalism and top-notch services, so that we can restore a wonderful smile to your mouth.

We want you to… Smile Again!

Your Dentist

Iopi Oikonomakou


The basic principles of offering and providing excellent services still govern our practice today, which is operated by the dentist Iopi Oikonomakou, assisted by Irini Noutsou Oikonomakou.

Iopi Oikonomakou has a specialization in Implants from the School of Dentistry of the EKPA and is a graduate in Chemistry from the University of Ioannina.

In our dental office, experience is harmoniously combined with the most modern techniques, in order to offer top dental services.

Love to see you… Smile Again!

Find us at Pileos 46 in Agios Dimitrios

In our dental office, experience is harmoniously combined with the most modern techniques, in order to offer top dental services.